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Monday, July 22, 2013

Houston Texas Real Estate Market Update

What’s Happening in the Houston Housing Market?

Hey, guys! It has been all over the news about what a strong market we’ve been having nationally. The Houston market is phenomenal.

If we compare July of this year to July of last year, we are way ahead. The total sales are up by 23 percent, the dollar volume went from $1.6 billion to $2.3 billion and the average home price increased by 14 percent.

Why is there so much activity? We are seeing a lot of people coming to Houston from different job industries. They are looking for a home in good condition and one that is fairly priced. The home should be move-in ready. Buyers want to move their furniture in and then go out to dinner, no extra work!

That’s why we stress the importance for sellers to make their home immaculate. First impressions are everything, whether that’s online or in person. Buyers often purchase off of emotion and then justify the purchase after.

Thanks for watching! If you have any questions please give me a call!